Irwin, Bernard

An American officer who served as the commanding general of the US Army’s 1st Infantry Division during World War II. He led the division in several major battles, including the invasion of Normandy and the liberation of Paris, earning him numerous awards and recognition.

Ft. Riley (American): Military Base

A major US Army base in Kansas, known for its cavalry training and the home of the 1st Infantry Division. During World War II, it played a vital role in training cavalrymen for combat.

Baileys Harbor

A small town in Wisconsin, USA, that served as a training ground for the U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division during World War II. Soldiers practiced amphibious landings and other combat maneuvers in the area’s lakes and beaches.

Apaches, The

A nickname given to the 1st Infantry Division of the United States Army during World War II, known for its fierce fighting spirit and its role in major campaigns in Europe.