
A German 37mm anti-tank gun used by the Wehrmacht during World War II, known for its effectiveness against early Allied tanks.

Gh.K. 43

A German 37mm anti-tank gun used during World War II. It was an upgrade over the earlier 37mm Pak 36, with a longer barrel and improved armor penetration. While effective against early tanks, it struggled against later Allied armor.

Dm. 37 (Soviet)

A Soviet 37mm anti-tank gun widely used by the Red Army during World War II. It was effective against early German tanks but became less so as German armor improved.

Dm. 37

A German 37mm anti-tank gun used widely by the Wehrmacht during World War II. It was effective against early tanks but became less so as Allied armor improved.

Dl. 37

A designation for a German 37mm anti-tank gun, commonly found on early Panzer I and II tanks, and sometimes used in towed anti-tank roles.