
A proposed German anti-tank gun design from 1945, the Hv-50 was intended to be a more powerful 88mm anti-tank gun capable of penetrating the armor of the latest Allied tanks. However, the gun never entered production due to the end of World War 2.


The Hv-88 was a German 88mm anti-tank gun that was used extensively throughout World War 2. It was known for its versatility, being effective against both armored vehicles and aircraft, and it played a significant role in German defenses.


A German 88mm anti-aircraft gun, also known as the Flak 88, used by the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht during World War II, known for its versatility and effectiveness against both aircraft and tanks.

Dm. 88

A German 88mm multi-purpose gun used extensively by the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe during World War II. Its versatility made it effective against tanks, aircraft, and fortifications.

Cy. CWS-145 Flak 88

A German 88mm anti-aircraft gun known for its versatility, used effectively against aircraft, tanks, and infantry.

Ck. 88mm Flak 18/36/37

A versatile German anti-aircraft gun used extensively during World War II. Its effectiveness against both aircraft and ground targets made it a valuable asset, particularly in the early stages of the war.