Abwehr Enigma

A specific type of Enigma machine designed and used by the Abwehr, the German military intelligence agency, for secure communication during World War II.

Abwehr Operations

The wide range of espionage, sabotage, and propaganda operations conducted by the Abwehr during World War II, targeting Allied forces and infrastructure.

Abwehr Successes and Failures

An analysis of the Abwehr’s successes and failures in its espionage and counterintelligence operations during World War II, highlighting both its effectiveness and limitations.

Abwehr and the Resistance

The complex relationship between the Abwehr and resistance movements in occupied Europe during World War II, involving both cooperation and conflict.

Abwehr and the Gestapo

The dynamic between the Abwehr and the Gestapo, the German secret police, during World War II, characterized by rivalry and competition for intelligence and influence.

Abwehr After World War II

The fate of the Abwehr after World War II, including the disbandment of the organization and the prosecution of its members for war crimes.


The German military intelligence agency during World War II. The Abwehr was responsible for espionage, sabotage, and counterintelligence operations, often employing covert agents and conducting reconnaissance missions.

Abwehr V

A branch of the Abwehr responsible for scientific and technical intelligence.

Abwehr VI

A branch of the Abwehr responsible for cryptography.

Abwehr VII

A branch of the Abwehr responsible for foreign military intelligence.