The Henschel Hs 123, a German dive bomber that was used extensively in the early stages of World War 2. It was known for its accuracy and effectiveness in attacking ground targets.
A type of artillery gun designed for high-angle firing, typically used for indirect fire support, known for its accuracy and range.
High-Altitude Bomber
A bomber aircraft designed to operate at high altitudes, typically above 20,000 feet. This allowed them to avoid enemy fighters and deliver bombs with greater accuracy.
Gyroscope-Assisted Targeting for Mortar Units
A system employing gyroscopes to enhance the accuracy of targeting for mortar units, compensating for factors like wind and terrain.
Gyroscopic Gun Sight for Tank Destroyers
A gun sight that incorporates a gyroscope to compensate for movement and recoil, enhancing the accuracy of tank destroyer weapons.
Gyro-Stabilized Gun Sight
A specialized optical sight used in tanks and other military vehicles that utilizes a gyroscope to maintain a stable aiming point, even when the vehicle is moving or traversing rough terrain. This allows for more accurate firing, particularly on the move.
Gyroscopic Stabilization for Anti-Aircraft Guns
A system employing gyroscopes to enhance the stability of anti-aircraft guns, improving accuracy and effectiveness against enemy aircraft.
Gyroscope-Assisted Fire Control for Naval Guns
A system that utilizes gyroscopes to enhance the accuracy of naval guns, compensating for ship movement and other factors.
Gyroscopic Bombsight for Dive Bombers
A bombsight that incorporates a gyroscope to enable accurate bombing from a steep dive, a specialized technique used by dive bombers.
Gyroscopic Gunnery Control System
A system that incorporates gyroscopes to stabilize and control gunnery systems, enhancing aiming precision and accuracy during combat.