
A military tactic aimed at disrupting enemy supply lines, communication networks, or troop movements. Interdiction operations, conducted through air strikes, sabotage, or other means, were crucial for weakening enemy forces and hindering their ability to wage war.

Cr. Combined Air and Sea Operations

The coordination of air and naval forces to achieve common objectives, such as air strikes on enemy ships, naval bombardment of land targets, and air reconnaissance for naval operations.

Cr. Crater Warfare

Military tactics employed in heavily cratered terrain, often found in battlefields after intense artillery bombardments or air strikes. This type of warfare often involved utilizing craters for cover, concealment, and as defensive positions.

Cp. Combined Air and Naval Operations

Military operations involving coordinated actions by air and naval forces, such as air strikes supported by naval gunfire or aircraft carrier operations.

Cp. Coordinated Air Attacks

Military operations involving multiple aircraft attacking a common target simultaneously, often using different types of aircraft to achieve maximum impact.