Hr. 16: H.S. 293

A German anti-ship cruise missile developed during World War II. The H.S. 293 was launched from aircraft and used a radio guidance system. It was a formidable weapon against Allied shipping, but its production was limited due to wartime constraints. The H.S. 293 was a precursor to later cruise missile technology.

Hp. 11: Henschel Hs 293

The Henschel Hs 293 was a German anti-ship missile that was used by the Luftwaffe during World War II. It was a remotely-controlled weapon that could be launched from aircraft and guided towards its target. The Hs 293 was effective against Allied shipping, but was only produced in limited numbers.

Henschel Hs 293 (Germany)

A German radio-controlled guided missile designed for anti-ship attacks. It was a precursor to modern cruise missiles and achieved some success against Allied shipping.

German Kriegsmarine Surface Raiders

German warships, including cruisers and battleships, that operated independently in the Atlantic during World War II to disrupt Allied shipping.

Fjords and the Battle of the Atlantic

The fjords of Norway played a crucial role in the Battle of the Atlantic, as they provided cover for German submarines operating against Allied shipping. The deep inlets allowed submarines to evade detection and launch attacks on convoys, making fjords a key factor in the strategic struggle for control of the Atlantic.

Fjords and the German Naval Operations

Fjords were also utilized by German naval forces during World War II. The deep inlets provided protection for German warships and submarines, allowing them to launch attacks on Allied shipping and conduct operations against Allied forces in Norway. Fjords were also used as staging areas for German landings and amphibious operations.

Exocet Missile

A French-designed anti-ship missile used by various nations during World War II, known for its high speed and accuracy. It was particularly effective against Allied shipping in the Atlantic Ocean.

Dg. 31 The Type VII U-boat

A German submarine, the most widely used U-boat type during World War II. The Type VII, known for its versatility and effectiveness in the early stages of the war, was instrumental in disrupting Allied shipping and commerce.

Dg. 5 Kriegsmarine

The German navy, responsible for naval warfare during World War II. The Kriegsmarine employed a variety of warships, including submarines (U-boats), battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, primarily focused on disrupting Allied shipping and commerce.