Italian Military Surrender

The events leading to the surrender of the Italian armed forces to the Allies in 1943, marking a turning point in the war.

Gk. 36 (Convoy System)

The convoy system was a naval strategy used by the Allies during World War II to protect merchant ships from German U-boat attacks. Ships were grouped together in convoys, escorted by warships, to increase their chances of survival.

Fu-Se (Japanese)

A Japanese naval code used during World War II, intercepted and broken by the Allies.

Free French Forces

The military forces loyal to the French government-in-exile during World War II, fighting alongside the Allies against the Nazi occupation.

Free French Navy

The naval forces loyal to the French government-in-exile during World War II, fighting alongside the Allies against the Nazi occupation.

French Resistance

The underground network of resistance fighters in France during World War II, actively opposing the Nazi occupation and aiding Allied forces.

Entente Powers

A coalition of countries, primarily France, Russia, and Great Britain, that opposed the Central Powers during World War I. This alliance laid the groundwork for the Allied powers in World War II.

Djatigede Dam

A dam located in Djatigede, West Java, Indonesia, which was strategically important for both the Japanese and the Allies during World War II.

Dd. 33 Reconnaissance Plane

The Dd. 33 Reconnaissance Plane was a type of reconnaissance plane that was used by the Allies and Axis powers during World War II. It was designed to gather intelligence on enemy positions, movements, and activities. The Dd. 33 Reconnaissance Plane was equipped with cameras and other sensors to collect valuable information for military commanders.