Irregular Combat Tactics

Methods of fighting used by irregular forces that deviate from conventional tactics, often relying on ambushes, hit-and-run attacks, and exploiting local knowledge and terrain.

Irregular Warfare Tactics

Specific methods employed by irregular forces that deviate from conventional warfare tactics, often relying on surprise, ambush, and hit-and-run strategies. These tactics were particularly effective in challenging larger, more conventional armies.

Goliath Tracked Mine

A small, remote-controlled tracked vehicle used by Germany during World War II to carry explosives, primarily for attacking tanks and fortifications. It was often used in ambushes and was notorious for its destructive power.

Fugas (French)

Anti-tank grenades used by French forces during World War II, often employed in ambushes.

Dy. 1400 – M18 Hellcat

An American tank destroyer known for its speed and powerful 76mm gun. It was designed to ambush enemy tanks and armored vehicles.

Cs. Convoy Ambush Tactics

Convoy ambush tactics during World War 2 involved the use of surprise attacks by enemy forces to disrupt or destroy convoys carrying vital supplies or troops.

Cr. Convoy Ambush Tactics

Techniques used by enemy forces to attack and disrupt convoys, including the use of surprise, flanking maneuvers, and targeted attacks on vulnerable vehicles.

Aztec Warfare Tactics in World War II

An examination of the applicability of Aztec warfare tactics, such as ambushes, guerilla warfare, and siege warfare, to the strategies employed in World War II.

Asymmetrical Tactics

Military strategies employed by forces with unequal capabilities, often involving unconventional methods and exploiting weaknesses in the enemy’s strengths. Examples include the use of ambushes, guerilla warfare, and deception by weaker forces against a stronger adversary.

Asymmetrical Warfare Strategies

Specific plans and approaches used in asymmetrical warfare, often involving surprise attacks, hit-and-run tactics, and the targeting of key enemy vulnerabilities, aiming to inflict maximum damage with limited resources.