Eye Contact in Wartime

The significance of visual interaction between soldiers and civilians during World War II, often conveying a range of emotions, from fear and anxiety to defiance and resilience. This aspect of wartime experience reflects the human dimension of conflict.

Cr. Combat Fatigue Syndrome

A psychological condition experienced by soldiers exposed to prolonged combat, characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, and emotional detachment.

Cr. Combat Fatigue

A psychological and physical condition experienced by soldiers under prolonged exposure to combat stress. This condition was characterized by exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, and impaired cognitive function.

Cq. Combat Stress Reactions

Psychological and physical responses to the trauma and stress of combat, including anxiety, fear, and sleep disturbances.

Cr. Combat Stress Reactions

The psychological and physiological effects of combat on soldiers, including anxiety, fear, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Understanding and managing combat stress reactions was crucial for maintaining troop morale and combat effectiveness.

Cp. Combat Stress

The psychological impact of combat on soldiers, often leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This psychological strain was a significant challenge for soldiers during World War II.

Cp. Combat Fatigue

A psychological condition experienced by soldiers exposed to prolonged combat stress, characterized by anxiety, fear, exhaustion, and emotional detachment.