Ik-43: IJA’s
The Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) conducted a number of sabotage operations in Southeast Asia during World War II. These operations targeted Allied infrastructure, supply lines, and military installations. The IJA’s sabotage operations were often carried out by specially trained units, known as
Fuze (Various): Explosives
A device used to initiate the detonation of explosives, with various types designed for different purposes.
Fuze (Various)
A device that initiates the detonation of explosives in weapons like bombs, grenades, and shells.
Explosives and Demolitions in Urban Warfare
The use of explosives and demolitions techniques in close-quarters combat within urban environments, posing unique challenges and hazards for both sides.
Explosives and Demolitions in Strategic Targets
The use of explosives and demolitions to target critical infrastructure, military installations, and industrial facilities during World War II.
Explosives and Demolitions
The use of explosives and demolition techniques in military operations during World War II, including the destruction of bridges, buildings, and enemy fortifications.
Explosives and Ordnance
The wide range of explosive devices and munitions used in military operations during World War II, including bombs, shells, grenades, and mines.
Explosives and Ammunition Production
The industrial effort involved in manufacturing explosives and ammunition for military use during World War II. This was a vital aspect of the war effort, requiring significant resources and manpower.
Etched Wartime Ordnance
Military weapons, ammunition, and explosives used in combat during World War II.
Engineered Munitions
Military weapons that are designed and manufactured to achieve specific effects, such as fragmentation, incendiary, or explosive.