Ix. 28 – F4U Corsair

The Vought F4U Corsair was a carrier-based fighter that was developed by the United States during World War II. It was known for its speed and powerful armament.

Gs. 167 (167th Squadron)

A fighter-bomber squadron of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) during World War II, known for its operations in the Pacific Theater, flying both F4U Corsair and SBD Dauntless aircraft.

Fs-10 (Japanese): F4U Corsair Fighter

An American carrier-based fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the latter stages of World War 2. It was captured from the United States Navy and used for training and evaluation purposes.

Dg. 43 The F4U Corsair

A single-engine fighter aircraft, produced by the United States during World War II. The F4U, known for its powerful engine, excellent dive performance, and effectiveness in carrier operations, was a key fighter for the United States Navy and Marine Corps in the Pacific theater.


The ‘F4U Corsair’ was a single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft that was produced by Chance Vought during World War 2. The F4U was a very effective fighter, and it was considered to be one of the best fighters of the war. It was equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engine, and it had a […]