Gföllner Field Music Band

A German field music band, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for providing entertainment and morale boosting performances to soldiers.

Gföllner Field Newspaper

A German field newspaper, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for providing news and information to soldiers.

Gföllner Training Battalion

A German training battalion, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for training new recruits and providing refresher courses to experienced soldiers.

Gföllner Field Library

A German field library, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for providing books and other reading materials to soldiers.

Gföllner Anti-Aircraft Battalion

A German anti-aircraft battalion, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for defending against Allied air attacks.

Gföllner Field Recreation Center

A German field recreation center, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for providing entertainment and leisure activities to soldiers.

Gföllner Communications Company

A German communications company, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for providing communication services to units operating in the region.

Gföllner Field Cinema

A German field cinema, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for showing films and other entertainment to soldiers.

Gföllner Ordnance Company

A German ordnance company, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for maintaining and repairing military equipment.

Gföllner Field Theater

A German field theater, formed in 1943, primarily deployed on the Eastern Front. Known for putting on theatrical performances for soldiers.