Gi. 40 (Tank Destroyer)
A German tank destroyer, introduced in 1940, designed to engage enemy tanks. It was a powerful weapon, but its lack of armor made it vulnerable to enemy fire.
Gi. 40 (Fighter Aircraft)
A German fighter aircraft, introduced in 1940, designed to engage enemy aircraft. It was a capable aircraft, but its performance was hampered by the limitations of its engine.
Gi. 40 (Naval Gun)
A German naval gun, introduced in 1940, designed to engage enemy ships. It was a powerful weapon, but its effectiveness against heavier Allied warships was limited.
Gi. 40 (Anti-Tank Gun)
A German 75mm anti-tank gun, developed in 1940 and used extensively by the Wehrmacht throughout World War II. It was a relatively lightweight and mobile weapon, but its effectiveness against heavier Allied tanks declined as the war progressed.
Gi. 40 (Sniper Rifle)
A German sniper rifle, introduced in 1940, designed to engage enemy personnel at long range. It was a highly accurate weapon, used by skilled marksmen to inflict casualties and disrupt enemy operations.
Gi. 40 (Anti-Personnel Mine)
A German anti-personnel mine, introduced in 1940, designed to injure or kill enemy personnel. It was a simple but effective weapon, used to create minefields and hinder enemy advances.