Gj. 10 (Mine)

An explosive device designed to damage or destroy enemy ships or aircraft. The German magnetic mine was a significant threat to Allied shipping during World War II.

Gi. 44 (Mine)

A German mine, introduced in 1944, designed to damage or destroy enemy ships. It was a simple but effective weapon, used to create minefields and disrupt enemy shipping.

Directional Mine

A type of mine that detonates when a target approaches from a specific direction, often used in defensive positions to protect against enemy advances.

Dd. 29 Anti-Personnel Mine

The Dd. 29 Anti-Personnel Mine was a type of mine designed to injure or kill enemy soldiers. It was typically small and easy to conceal, and it exploded when stepped on or triggered by other means. The Dd. 29 Anti-Personnel Mine was a common weapon used by both the Allies and Axis powers during World […]