Irreplaceable Damage

Damage to military equipment or infrastructure that cannot be easily repaired or replaced, significantly hindering operational capabilities. This could involve the destruction of key facilities or the loss of irreplaceable personnel.

Hjälmvik Submarine Maintenance

The specialized work conducted by technicians and engineers at the Hjälmvik submarine depot to keep Swedish submarines operational during World War II. This included repairs, routine maintenance, and upgrades.

Hjälmvik Submarine Depot

The support facilities established at the Hjälmvik naval base to maintain and repair Swedish submarines during World War II. This included workshops, storage areas, and personnel dedicated to submarine maintenance.

Cp. Combat Engineering

The use of engineering skills and techniques to support military operations, such as constructing fortifications, breaching obstacles, and repairing damage.

Afloat Shipyard

A facility where naval vessels are constructed, repaired, and maintained, often employing skilled workers and specialized equipment.

Afloat Support

The provision of logistical and operational support to naval forces while at sea, including resupply, repair, and medical assistance.