Bhopapur-Class Destroyer
A class of four destroyers built for the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. They were based on the British Hunt-class destroyer design and equipped with 4.7-inch guns and depth charges.
Bhopal-Class Destroyer
A class of four destroyers built for the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. They were based on the British Town-class destroyer design and equipped with 4.7-inch guns and torpedoes.
Bhutani-Class Destroyer
A class of four destroyers built for the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. They were based on the British Tribal-class destroyer design and equipped with 4.7-inch guns and torpedoes.
Bhangra-Class Destroyer
A class of four destroyers built for the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. They were based on the British Battle-class destroyer design and equipped with 4.7-inch guns and torpedoes.
Bharatpur-Class Destroyer
A class of four destroyers built for the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. They were based on the British G-class destroyer design and equipped with 4.7-inch guns and depth charges.
Aaqib Malik
A Pakistani naval officer who served in the Royal Indian Navy during World War II.