Cr. Combined Arms Doctrine

Military doctrine that emphasizes the importance of coordinating different branches of the military, such as infantry, armor, artillery, and air forces, to achieve a common objective. This doctrine was crucial for achieving battlefield success in World War 2.

Cr. Combined Naval Operations

Military operations involving the coordinated efforts of navies from different countries or branches of the military. This type of warfare was essential for controlling the seas, protecting shipping lanes, and launching amphibious assaults in World War 2.

Cr. Combined Defensive Operations

Military operations involving the coordinated efforts of different military units to defend a specific area or objective. This type of defense was crucial for holding back enemy advances and preserving strategic positions in World War 2.

Cr. Crew Training

The process of educating and preparing military personnel to operate and maintain specific types of equipment, such as tanks, aircraft, and artillery. Comprehensive crew training was essential for maximizing the effectiveness and safety of military operations.

Cr. Cryptographic Warfare

The use of codes, ciphers, and other cryptographic methods to protect military communications from enemy interception and decryption. This was a crucial aspect of intelligence gathering and operational security during World War 2.

Cr. C-47 Skytrain Modifications

Modifications made to the Douglas C-47 Skytrain transport aircraft during World War 2 to improve its performance and versatility. These modifications included adding armor, self-sealing fuel tanks, and specialized equipment for specific missions.

Cr. C-46 Commando Variants

Different versions of the Curtiss C-46 Commando transport aircraft produced during World War 2. Each variant served different roles, such as troop transport, cargo hauling, and aerial ambulance operations.

Cr. Counter-Battery Fire

Artillery fire directed at enemy artillery batteries to neutralize their ability to bombard friendly positions. This was a crucial tactic in World War 2 to suppress enemy artillery and protect friendly troops.

Cr. Combined Air and Ground Operations

Military operations involving the coordinated efforts of air and ground forces. This type of warfare was essential for achieving decisive victories in World War 2, as it allowed for the combined forces to exploit enemy weaknesses and achieve strategic objectives.

Cr. Combat Stress Reactions

The psychological and physiological effects of combat on soldiers, including anxiety, fear, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Understanding and managing combat stress reactions was crucial for maintaining troop morale and combat effectiveness.