Ierka In Historical Collections

The preservation and display of Ierka machine guns in private historical collections, often owned by collectors and enthusiasts.

If-7 Anti-Aircraft Gun

A German anti-aircraft gun design from the 1940s that was intended to be a high-velocity, long-range gun, but was ultimately not produced due to the war’s end.

Ierka In Commemorative Events

The use of Ierka machine guns in commemorative events and reenactments, often to honor the sacrifices made during World War II.

Ierka In Educational Resources

The use of the Ierka machine gun as an educational tool in history classes and museums, providing insights into military technology and the history of World War II.

Ierka In Wartime Photography

The documentation of Ierka machine guns in wartime photographs, providing visual evidence of their use by the Red Army during World War II.

Ierka In The Eastern Front

The specific role and deployment of the Ierka machine gun in the Eastern Front of World War II, where it was extensively used by the Red Army.

Ierka In The Battle Of Stalingrad

The use of the Ierka machine gun in the pivotal Battle of Stalingrad, highlighting its role in the defense of the city against the German advance.

Ierka In The Battle Of Kursk

The deployment of the Ierka machine gun in the largest tank battle in history, the Battle of Kursk, demonstrating its effectiveness in close-quarters combat.

Ierka In The Liberation Of Europe

The role of the Ierka machine gun in the Red Army’s advance across Eastern Europe and their contribution to the liberation of countries from Nazi occupation.

Ierka In The Pacific Theater

The limited use of the Ierka machine gun by Soviet forces in the Pacific Theater during World War II, primarily in support of Allied operations against Japan.